In-school professional learning
for teachers and teaching assistants

A recurrent theme of the All-parliamentary Group for Education's Inquiry 'Overcoming Barriers to Literacy' was the need for "more and better continuing professional development (CPD) for educators in order to maintain and enhance their effectiveness". At the moment, CPD is often unsatisfying and occurs haphazardly, undermining its potential positive impact on teachers’ professional status.

Yet in a world where policy changes frequently, it is vital that teachers have access to good quality professional development. Initial training cannot provide all the knowledge and skills that an individual will need for their entire career. The lack of CPD challenges professional status and does not provide the best value for our education system.

A greater emphasis on all-round literacy through enhanced CPD, will become increasingly important with the changed emphasis of the revised Ofsted framework, requiring teachers to be responsible for pupil literacy.

Target Literacy supports schools in planning and delivering systematic literacy CPD.

Thank you for today, it always rejuvenates me when I hear you speak about reading. You are so inspiring and positive that it helps people to 'get' it! I learn something new every time!

- Jennie Underwood, Reading Recovery Teacher at The Downs and Northbourne

We have worked with Christine for a number of years and Christine's expertise in reading has been invaluable. The impact has been huge on challenging teaching practice through shifting teachers' and teaching assistants' thinking. Attainment and progress has improved in all areas Christine has worked with us on. We always look forward to developing a new project and being able to reflect on current practices.

- Matt Wignell, Assistant Headteacher, Queenborough School and Nursery

Contact Target Literacy @TargetLiteracy 07842 588735